Welcome to A Taste of Anthropology!
This blog is an attempt to combine my love for anthropology and culinary arts, in a series of book and journal article reviews, as well features of similar blogs, all discussing the hot topic of Culinary Anthropology. Bon Appetit! -Holly

Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's been a while...

But here I am! Sorry for the long pause over here, I've been a bit crazed. I recently baked all the desserts (including the cake) for my roommate's wedding... Which was intense! I don't think I've ever baked so much in one week! But supposedly, they turned out somewhat decent ;)

And the cake, well it was pretty cute.

It was my typical Earl Grey Tea Cupcakes recipe, in cake form. 

We (and by we, I mean I) also made lemon bars. So there was a lot of lemon and tea smells throughout the house!

Too cute!
It was a beautiful wedding! The couple are both deeply religious, so there was a lot of meaning for them during the whole day. As an anthropologist, it was definitely interesting... As all rites of passage are. But all my academic insights aside, it was a beautiful day and I wish them all the happiness in the world! 
My boo is married!
I promise I won't be gone too long! I'm currently reading Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom by sidney Mintz, so hopefully I'll throw a review up soon!!


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